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Performances run through 10月ober 13.

By: 10月. 06, 2024
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内布拉斯加州 Wesleyan University Theatre is staging a rebellion. 叛逆的孩子们的反叛. 在安妮L. 在麦当劳剧院,你会发现一群大学生和社区的孩子在跺脚, 畏缩, 跳舞, 在克朗彻姆音乐厅唱歌.

音乐剧《十大网络娱乐平台排名》改编自1988年罗尔德·达尔所著的儿童经典小说《十大网络娱乐平台排名》. It spins a dark comedic tale of everything from abuse to weird science, but also includes humanity 和 compassion in the face of evil. 5岁的玛蒂尔达·沃姆伍德, 谁已经能读成人小说了, 她的家人要求她看电视,而不是把时间浪费在看书上. 她被送到学校,在那里她遇到了可怕的校长更强烈的欺凌, 阿加莎Trunchbull. 不被打败, 玛蒂尔达成为同学们的女英雄,成为老师的精神支柱, 亲爱的小姐.

Dennis Kelly received a Tony Award for his adaptation of the novel. 澳大利亚人蒂姆·明钦,演员、作家、歌手……你能想到的,他都做到了……他写了原版配乐. 2012年,我看到他在摇滚歌剧《十大娱乐平台排行榜》DVD中扮演犹大一角,我对他的欣赏与日俱增. We watched that production on repeat. It isn’t surprising that the music for MATILDA is bright 和 engaging.

音乐剧《十大网络娱乐平台排名》获得了太多的奖项,但我们只能说它很受欢迎. It premiered in London’s 西区 in 2011 和 on 百老汇 in 2013. It has toured the world, delighting adults 和 children alike. 因为没有什么不喜欢的?

导演Ryan Kathman和助理导演X和er Baker将这群可爱的孩子和大学生聚集在一起,精心制作了一部令人意想不到的搞笑节目. 音乐总监索菲亚·查瓦努和她的助手泰勒·卡利诺夫斯基保持着欢快和谐的音乐.

The kids are well-rehearsed 和 play their parts admirably. 在班级的最前面是乔薇拉·帕迪(玛蒂尔达)和韦斯汀·布朗(布鲁斯).

帕迪是迷人的聪明的年轻玛蒂尔达谁是富有同情心和尊重, yet unyielding to pressure when she knows it is wrong. Her relationship with 亲爱的小姐 is endearing. Her patience with her abusive family is impressive. And her strength in defying Trunchbull draws cheers. Pardee has a lovely voice that shines in "Quiet."

布朗演布鲁斯再合适不过了. 看着他吃掉整块蛋糕,然后被带到厨房的样子很有趣. His character feels natural 和 comical without being excessive.

Audrey Glaser (亲爱的小姐) plays it sweet 和 humble. Her voice is equally sweet, but carries a punch. 

Matthew Reich grabbed my rapt attention as 阿加莎Trunchbull. Casting him in the role of the principal was genius. 他的身材,他的舞台表现,他有力的声音使他成为最引人注目的角色. 如果特朗奇布尔不是那么残暴,我就会因为他的表演而爱上他. He is a force to be reckoned with 和 is wildly funny at the same time.


艾萨克·史密斯先生. 艾伍德)和科迪·霍罗克斯(柯迪夫人). Wormwood) are delightful as the terrible parents. Smith portrays the scheming Wormwood as brainless 和 narcissistic. Glaser embodies a vacuous woman with no interest outside of herself. As she proclaims, she would rather have looks than books. 她惊喜, 然而, 当她和灵活得惊人的拉里·亚历山大(鲁道夫饰)跳舞时,他的随机劈叉和不可思议的高踢腿令人捧腹. The duo’s dance 和 song, “Loud,” is one of my favorite scenes.

舞蹈编排令人印象深刻. 达纳·布鲁克斯创造了一些非常好的数字,让大量的演员成为一个快速移动的群体, 组织单位. 《十大网络娱乐平台排名》震撼人心!

Nothing was amiss in this production. Lighting by Caroline Nowak provided the mood. Sound Designer Jason Klawonn kept it loud 和 clear. 服装设计师丽贝卡·阿姆斯特朗做了一件令人钦佩的工作,为演员们提供了一些非常吸引人的服装, 荒谬的, 衣柜. 夫人. 艾伍德的舞蹈服装令人眼花缭乱. Mr. 沃姆伍德的棕色格子夹克和他的蓝条纹黄衬衫很相配,显示出他古怪的性格.

NWU can be proud of this production. 这是不可思议的.



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